Have you ever felt like you were born with a cloud over you, a heaviness that never quite lifts? For Jessica, a 54-year-old woman who had known the weight of depression since childhood, this feeling was all too real. She described it as if she was “born with depression,” a constant companion that had shadowed her every step.
But after a painful breakup sent her into a deeper spiral, intensifying her lifelong struggle, Jessica knew she needed to find healing.
Desperate for relief and a spark of joy, Jessica came to Grey Matters Brain Training Studio, hoping to feel truly alive for the first time in years.
Uncovering the Root Causes: The Brain Map
Jessica’s journey began with a qEEG brain map, a tool that allowed us to see where her brain was deviating from optimal function and contributing to her depression.
The results revealed a distinct pattern: her left hemisphere alpha activity was greater than her right, a signature often associated with depression.
Additionally, her brain was under-aroused, stuck in a “frozen state” that made it difficult to feel or react with a full range of emotions. For Jessica, this was more than just information—it was a glimpse into why she had felt weighed down for so long.
Together, we designed a neurofeedback protocol specifically to address her symptoms and bring her out of the shadows.
Feeling Less Depressed: The First Glimmers of Light
Within weeks of starting neurofeedback, Jessica began to feel a shift. The deep, escalated depression that had overtaken her after her breakup started to loosen its grip.
For the first time in years, she reported feeling a sense of calm instead of constant sadness. Situations and stimuli that had once triggered emotional reactions now felt manageable.
Jessica could finally face each day with a lighter heart, gradually emerging from the cloud that had darkened her world for so long.
As her sessions continued, Jessica noticed she was responding less intensely to past triggers. This newfound resilience brought a sense of freedom, as she no longer felt like her emotions were controlling her.
She began to feel hope—a word that had seemed distant and unreachable before her neurofeedback journey began.
Rediscovering Motivation and Tackling the To-Do List
One of the most life-changing shifts for Jessica was regaining her motivation. Depression had always dulled her drive, but in the two years since her breakup, this lack of motivation had become paralyzing.
Tasks like cleaning her home and managing day-to-day responsibilities became overwhelming. Her to-do list seemed endless, each item a reminder of the energy she felt she lacked.
However, as neurofeedback worked to re-balance her brain, Jessica found herself ready to tackle her life again. Little by little, she started completing tasks that had once felt impossible.
With each step, she felt her sense of control return. Jessica began to see herself as capable once more, and this renewed motivation helped her reclaim the life she had put on hold.
Breaking Free: A New Outlook on Life
Jessica’s neurofeedback journey has been transformative, helping her rise above the lifelong cloud of depression and rediscover parts of herself she had forgotten. By addressing the under-arousal and imbalance in her brain, neurofeedback allowed her to feel, respond, and engage with life in ways she had never experienced before.
What started as a desperate hope for relief evolved into a renewed outlook on life, one filled with energy, resilience, and possibility.
If you or someone you love feels trapped by depression, know that healing is possible. March On Mission, a non-profit mental health organization in Indianapolis, IN, is here to help you discover hope and support you on your journey to overcome depression, just like Jessica did..
Let us help you take the first step on your journey toward a brighter tomorrow.